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The outer wall of Globorotalia truncatulinoides from North Atlantic piston core JGOFS IV T90-9P (Feldmeijer et al., 2015).

Photo: S Kars

Broken shell of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata revealing the juvenile chambers

Photo: B Metcalfe

Deployment of a piston core on board the NIOZ R/V Pelagia in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean, during cruise 64PE378

Photo: B Metcalfe

Collection of multinet samples (red cylinders, referred to as 'cod-ends')  following deployment on the aft deck of the R/V Pelagia during cruise 64PE378 in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean.

Photo: B Metcalfe

Living specimens of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globorotalia menardii from a plankton pump from the Tropical Atlantic

Photo: B Metcalfe

Collected from off the coast of Sint Eustatius (Caribbean).

Photo: B Metcalfe

Shelled pteropod, Diacria trispinosa, collected with a plankton net during the T87 expediition of the R/V Tyro

Photo: B Metcalfe