

research: Data model comparison

Equilibrium oxygen isotope values, produced from WOA13 Temperature and Salinity data, and predicted depth and seasonal habitat from single specimen isotope analysis

Modified from Pracht et al., 2018

As part of my Postdoctoral project at the LSCE-IPSL we are attempting to improve data-model comparison. By taking into account the ecology of  Foraminifera when comparing model output with species-specific geochemical data, noise and spurious interpretations can be reduced. The model used in this research is the Foraminifera as modelled entities (FAME) that produces a growth weighted oxygen isotope value based upon a temperature calculated growth rate (Roche et al., 2018). The growth rates are based upon foraminifera in culture.

FAME Model output from a single time step of a ~50 year model run. Each panel represents a single species oxygen isotope values.



Metcalfe, B., Lougheed, B.C., Waelbroeck, C., and Roche, D.M. (submitted). On the validity of foraminifera-based ENSO reconstructions.





Pracht, H., Metcalfe, B.,  and Peeters, F.J.C., (2019). Oxygen isotope composition of final chamber of planktic foraminifera provides evidence for vertical migration and depth integrated growth Biogeosciences,  16 (2), 643-661

DOI: 10.5194/bg-2018-146


Roche, D.M., Waelbroeck, C., Metcalfe, B. and Caley, T., (2018) FAME (v1.0): a simple module to simulate the effect of planktonic foraminifer species-specific habitat on their oxygen isotopic content Geoscientific Model Development Discussion.

DOI: 10.5194/gmd-2017-251